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The Team

Some of our Tutors




German, University of Cambridge

Subjects taught: German, Music, Humanities.


I study German and Italian at the University of Cambridge. I am a trained mentor for Project Access, who mentor prospective Ox-bridge applicants. My hobbies outside of my studies include singing in various choirs, operas and vocal groups, and I am also a Linguist Volunteer Coordinator for a refugee action and aid committee based in Cambridge. I help Chinese students with tuition in English, Humanities, German and Music to A Level, and Maths to GCSE level.


I look forward to some productive and rewarding learning with students.

Online Tutoring

We offer an online tutoring service for students looking to perfect their academic grades in all subjects, and prepare University applications. Our Teachers are QTS qualified, with over 5 years' experience teaching their subject in British Schools. We also provide online subject Mentors, who are Oxbridge current students and graduates.


Prices start from:

  • £35/hour (Mentors, 1-to-1) and £45/hour (Teachers, 1-to-1)

  •  £15/hour (Mentors, 1-on-3) and £20/hour (Teachers, 1-on-3).


If you require a Teacher/Mentor in any subject, please write an email to us at Please include student's age, level, curriculum and any other relevant details.


Free 15-minute introductory meeting with all tutors.

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