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Oliver Scott


Oliver completed his post-graduate research at the University of Cambridge. His areas of expertise include Modern History, Politics, Economics and Languages. He was awarded a first-class degree with honours in French & Spanish from the University of St Andrews, where he was the recipient of numerous prestigious academic awards. Oliver has worked closely with Huawei China in publishing academic material surrounding 5G & 6G communication networks in English. He also has vast experience producing marketing materials for international companies looking to gain an advantage abroad.


Oliver's native fluency in four languages gives him crucial insight into what the customer wants, and how to express this effectively in words.

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Selecting only the most talented and experienced editors from the UK's top universities, we ensure that quality is always maintained.


To be doubly sure, nothing leaves our hands without being thoroughly checked by our chief editors, who are ...

Andrew Daley

Editor & Co-Editor-in-Chief

Andy is a post-graduate researcher in Medicine at the University of Cambridge, where he also studied his undergraduate degree. He has completed funded biomedical research projects in England, Germany and Australia, in addition to a 10 week medical elective in Iran, gaining publication in top journals and winning the Gold Crest award for his work in England.


Andy's hands-on experience in Hospitals and experimentational research means he can delve deep into the scientific content of papers we help publish, ensuring that content matches quality of writing.

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